Monday, April 12, 2010

Shout-out to my MIL

It is so hard to just choose one topic for each post. I just can't! So, you get everything.

1. I am getting our bedroom ready for the baby:

  • mini, co-sleeper
  • pack 'n play with the diaper changer on top
  • swing
  • NB clothes

I still need to buy some diapers...and then we should be set. Whew! So much easier with the 3rd.

2. Bunk beds are coming along nicely. Set them up in the boys' room this weekend, but Baby D won't sleep in his. But, I remember that Baby R was hesitant to give up his crib too. We still need to do some type of canopy on top. I hope to post pics soon.

3. This is my last week of working at home. I am giving myself a week off before the birth. Next week, my sweet-tart will be in Aurora for the entire week so I knew I couldn't work and take care of the boys w/o going bonkers!

4. Sending positive thoughts to my MIL (hope she doesn't mind that I'm sharing - she's a reader of this blog too!). She was diagnosed last week with breast cancer. Unfortunately, we can't be in FL w/her right now. So, I'll highlight some wonderful things about her in this post...shout-out!

  • She is the best g-ma to my kids. They call her G.G.
  • I love how she devotes herself to my kids

Check out the pics below...

G.G., we appreciate you! Thinking of you this week :)

5. G.G. was planning to fly up here and stay with the boys while I was in the hospital. However, since she cannot make it, our wonderful friends from Chicago will be driving down to help out! We are so blessed to have such great friends.

6. Yesterday, we went to the park and a Japanese garden for family pics. We setup a session with a local photographer, Tia Wind. I am extremely excited to see our pics (approx 1 week). Tia did a great job although, Baby R refused to smile. *sigh*

Baby D tried to ham it up a few times though. And I think we may have gotten a belly shot with Baby R hugging me...Baby D was being stubborn; he just wanted to explore the grass, flowers, and run after big brother!

I'll leave you with this...we moved the patio furniture outside this weekend, and ate most of our meals out there. I love eating outside...why is that? Why is that so fun?


  1. I am so very sorry to hear that. Eric's mom is such a fabulous lady! I'll say prayers for her.

    Can't wait to see the professional family/maternity pics!

  2. Thanks Ann! I'm sure she'd appreciate the prayers...we really wish we could be with her. I think we may try to visit later this summer, if we can.

    Hope all is well with you...sorry to hear about your computer; what a-holes!!!!!
